Промышленный 4G/LTE (Cat 4) роутер, I/O, MQTT, RS232 & RS485 Teltonika RUT906

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Cellular 4G router for industrial IoT applications, supporting serial interfaces RS232 and RS485, MQTT, BACnet, I/Os, Ethernet, and more. This cellular router is equipped with GNSS and failsafe features such as Dual SIM, auto-failover, and backup WAN.


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Cellular 4G router for industrial IoT applications, supporting serial interfaces RS232 and RS485, MQTT, BACnet, I/Os, Ethernet, and more. This cellular router is equipped with GNSS and failsafe features such as Dual SIM, auto-failover, and backup WAN.

Ссылка на производителя: https://teltonika-networks.com/products/routers/rut906
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